Golf: A Game For All Generations

Golf is one of the few sports where people of all ages and skill levels can play together in a meaningful way. There has to be something special about a game where grandfathers can play the same game as their grandchildren, where wives and husbands can play on a level playing field and where amateurs can give professionals a run for their money thanks to the unique handicap system.
If you are a parent seeking to direct your children toward sport in an effort to prise them away from the computer console, you could not choose a better game than golf. Steer your child toward the Royal and Ancient sport and you will give them a game they can play for life along with their own children and grandchildren.
The attraction of a sport that forges family relationships means that different generations can enjoy the company of each other in healthy surroundings while playing a game that is both challenging and enjoyable. While most sports are geared toward the younger generation as high energy, physically demanding pursuits, golf is a sport which allows senior citizens and the very young to play alongside those who are in the prime of their lives. Because of the handicap system used in golf, players of differing ability levels can compete with one another regardless of age. Even when there is no competition involved, it is heartening to see fathers and sons or mothers and daughters playing together in a way that would not be possible in other more energetic sports.
There are not too many sports that can boast players who have enjoyed the game for seven or eight decades. In many instances, it is when a person reaches their mid-thirties that they are forced to give up on sports like football, basketball or athletics. Due to its sedentary nature, golf is a sport that will truly last a lifetime. Although not a particularly energetic sport, golf is nevertheless a sport that encourages good health due to the fact that it involves a great deal of walking. Who would not benefit from a sport that keeps you healthy and yet free from injury? Considering the longevity of the sport in the lives of millions, it is understandable that it is viewed by many as the best sport on earth.
Whether you are seven years old or seventy, the game of golf is accessible. When other sports are not an option for you due to age or health, the game of golf continues to be an outlet for your desire to be involved in meaningful activity. For some, golf has been a constant within the family as young and old, male and female play together and forge the bonds of friendship. Walking the fairways and playing good golf shots is a pleasure open to people from all walks of life and for all generations. If you have not already done so, make sure to direct your children toward the sport of golf. By doing so, you could be pointing them to a game that will bring them pleasure for life.