How To Perfect Your Golf Swing

The search for the perfect swing is the holy grail for golfers all over the world as they strive to find an action that will permit them to play the game to a high standard. Grooving a golf swing that is repeatable and dependable can only be achieved through practice, and this will require time and patience.
The search for the perfect swing is the holy grail for golfers all over the world as they strive to find an action that will permit them to play the game to a high standard. Perfecting a golf swing that is repeatable and dependable can only be achieved through practice, and this will require time and patience.
Trying to perfect a swing while playing in competition is never advisable as you cannot possibly give your full concentration to the areas that need attention. Professional golfers will work tirelessly on their swings, some even hiring teachers who will give advice on elements of the swing.
For recreational golfers, perhaps securing the services of a club professional will help, but for most golfers, it is a case of trial and error on the practice range. What can you do to improve you swing?
The starting point for anyone who hopes to improve their game is to ensure that the fundamentals are in place. These include a good grip, proper stance, correct alignment and tempo of the swing.
When the basics are in place, you will be in position to hit golf shots that are reasonably good. Your next step is to experiment with things that may improve your swing allowing you to hit the ball longer, straighter and with more spin. For example, ball position is something that can have a real impact on your swing as it often determines the angle at which you approach the ball and how this affects your arms and shoulders on the downswing.
If you position the ball too far toward your front foot, this can encourage an over-the-top pass at the ball, probably resulting in a pull or a slice. On the other hand, if you position the ball too far back in your stance, you may find you are blocking the ball to the right or hooking it wildly.
Experiment with ball position and you will most likely find that placing the ball in the middle of your stance or just fractionally toward your front foot will reap dividends. On longer clubs like the driver, the ball will be further toward your front foot.
A tip you will find helpful when working on grooving your golf swing, is to experiment on the practice range with different tempo swings. Some recreational golfers swing very hard and fast in order to attempt to hit the ball further. You may be surprised to find that with a more leisurely, smooth swing, you will actually achieve greater distance. In reality, you want to hit the ball better, not harder.
Fast swings tend to pull the arms into play too quickly and this often results in cutting across the ball, leading to a slice. The tempo of your swing is possibly the most crucial element you can work on as it will promote a repeatable swing you can rely on under pressure.
In fact, you can groove such a swing in the garden at home without the need to hit golf balls. Find the tempo that works best for you, and make this part of your golf game.
Another element that impacts on your swing is how you stand to address the ball. This can make a real difference to the quality of your shots and determine how high or low your ball trajectory will be. It can also influence how you bring the club head to the ball. Are you possibly stretching for the ball at address? Or is your stance too upright causing you to slice?
Again, take time on the practice range to experiment by hitting shots while taking a variety of address positions. A tall person will naturally stand more upright to the ball while a shorter person will reach more for the ball and have a flatter swing.
On that subject, if you are serious about grooving a solid, repeatable golf swing, you would do well to make sure you are using golf clubs suited to your height. Badly fitted clubs will have you swinging on an arc that is unnatural and will inevitably result in hooking or slicing.
As is true for even the best of players, grooving a good golf swing is a matter of practice. You may find that there is a great deal of trial and error involved until you find a swing that suits you individually. Do not treat this as a chore, but enjoy those times you spend on the practice ground, realizing that it will result in a better golf swing that will in turn, allow you to derive greater enjoyment from the game and improve you score.